When you’ve got a list of gifts to give, sometimes there’s an actual amount of pressure in gifting. I would love to invite you to have fun with us and let us help you create an easy, fun, and playful shopping experience!
I love giving gifts and it would be my (and the team’s) pleasure to help you find some fabulous gift ideas. We have lots of treasures tucked away that we are more than happy to share with you.
I often joke about the store beneath the store. If you open up all of our cabinets, we have many drawers of treasures to pull out and explore. I invite you to have a treasure hunt inside the shop.
Once you find your perfect choices, each crystal gift will be put inside a special pouch and wrapped with love and care for you to present your gifts.
Here are some fun gift giving ideas:
A mini CRYSTAL ALTAR! We can help you pick out specific crystals and a little selenite altar to display them on. This is a lovely way to invite your friend to create a meditation practice. To take a few minutes each day; they can set up their little altar on their desk to be present, stop and connect with crystals.

Our BRACELET BUNDLES are back! We have incredible bracelet bundles - we’ve created specific combinations to harmonize with creativity, love, being in tune with the Moon, health & wellness and protection. We can also create a custom bundle for you to give the perfect gift with whatever your friend and or beloved might need.

We have CRYSTAL ORNAMENTS! Awesome stocking stuffers and even more amazing to adorn your entire Christmas tree with crystals!

CRYSTAL SPHERES! I am obsessed with them. Spheres are amazing because they put the energy out in all directions. I have some fabulous spheres in a multitude of crystals, bringing the light, bringing the love in all directions. We also have every size (and price point) imaginable.

We have a vast array of crystals from the common, to the very rare. Feel free to reach out to us and we are happy to help in any way that we can create a fun, dynamic and satisfying gift giving experience.
Remember, we offer private shopping appointments, virtual shopping and you can call/text our dedicated shop cell phone at (310) 804-4611 any time if you have questions or anything else you need!
Happy shopping!
xoxo, Ele