Where I Source My Crystals - Inside the Mine

Posted by Ele Keats on

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be inside an Amethyst mine 300 feet inside the earth? Watch the video below of two of my favorite crystal hunters, Leonardo and Robson, brothers from Brazil who work together to find some of the most gorgeous crystals I’ve ever seen. It’s so cute how excited I get meeting with my crystal sources. I truly love these people and get to meet with them but once a year. Leonardo and Robson work in their family business, and describe the reward and the challenges of working with kin. Good men with good hearts who care about one another is a beautiful thing. These are just two of the many wonderful people I source your gorgeous crystals from. For me, in my business, the people I work with and their integrity and heart, is just as important as the power and healing in each crystal I find. From my experience, the more beautiful the person, the more exquisite their crystals with the best vibrations. I want to help you find your next gorgeous crystal, the one that shifts big things for you for 2019. Please send me a personal email at elekeats@me.com before I leave for my big treasure hunt on January 30th, and let me know what it is you are looking for.

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