Posted by Ele Keats on

And so we begin…

2025 is here to welcome us with open arms.

After the holiday season of hustle and bustle, go, go go, now is the time for us to reconnect to ourselves. As we integrate all of the gifts from 2024, we move into this next chapter of life.

Here is an invitation for you:

Grab your journal.

Ask to remember the gifts of each month, starting with January 2024 all the way through December 2024: the lessons, the gifts, the challenges, and the triumphs.

Write down what you can remember, month by month. It’s amazing to reflect on the inner work journey that you’ve experienced over this past year. It’s actually quite miraculous, if you think about the amount of transformation that has occurred over this cycle of 365 days.

Once you are done writing, read your 2024 recollections back to yourself, and if you feel so moved, read out loud and let your voice shape your writing into sound. Take in your words, breathe them into your heart. 

Yes! You did it. You made it through all of these incredible journeys: the joys, the highs, the lows. Here you are standing at the precipice of the turning of the clock. This next chapter of your life propels you forward into 2025. Look at how resilient you are! I celebrate you. And I celebrate everything that it has taken you to be here at this exact moment right now.

I love New Year’s. It’s exciting, fresh, and an opportunity to begin again. At the beginning of each year, I intuitively always find myself organizing, cleansing, clearing what is no longer serving.

This is the process I call Creating Sacred Space.

Your home is your reflection of what is happening within you. Taking the time to truly assess and walk through each room, space, drawer, and closet of your physical home can help organize what is going on with your internal home. Once everything is cleared, set, and feeling good, we then have the space to be inspired.

I find that before I can begin a new project, I always have to clean, organize, and have everything in its place. It really does help. Clear the clutter, clear the mind.

Then I get excited about beautifying my altar, creating meditation space, and actually having time to sit and be in the union with the inner guidance and my connection to the light.

Have you been wanting to deepen your meditation practice? The time is perfect for this now.

Creating an altar space in your home, a place that is dedicated for your personal time, is key to instilling a discipline of daily meditation. You need a place that your body knows and recognizes as where it is going to sit, recharge, connect, and ground into your Divine guidance and your personal union within. Your altar is sacred. This is your special place.

What do you put on your altar?

My personal altar is covered with crystals, a photo of myself as a young girl, photos of and words from inspirational teachers, and sacred objects. All of these items rest on giant selenite slabs, which are ideal for an altar because selenite is constantly clearing energy.

As I do my meditation, I hold a crystal in one hand. I intuitively choose one each day to work with, and it becomes my ally on my journey within.

I’ve been meditating every day for 30 years. My meditation has evolved through the years. What has always remained is that blissful feeling of connection, the current of wisdom, listening and following the guidance.

Whether you choose a mantra practice, prayer, a guided meditation, or any number of practices, allowing yourself to let it evolve and deepening your connection IS the destination.

I invite you to deepen your relationship with yourself in 2025.

If you are looking for crystals to help your personal evolution, inner journey, and meditation practice, there are so many wise crystal ally friends just waiting for you.

I spent the entire month of December organizing, beautifying, and recreating the store as a living altar. It was a true labor of love that required many hours of devotion and connection with the crystals in the store. As I moved the crystals with attention and love, there was such a palpable feeling of transformation. It’s been extremely inspiring for me personally, as well as for the staff, and for everyone who’s been coming in to see what’s been unfolding.

I am inviting you to come see us and feel the inspiration and love in every single corner of the shop. Let it inspire you to create your own sacred space.

If you are reading this from nearby, come on over to see what’s happening at:

Ele Keats Jewelry + Crystals
1134 Montana Ave.
Santa Monica, CA 90403

If you are too far away to connect with us physically, we can happily give you a virtual tour of the store via our dedicated client cell phone line at 310-804-4611

We are ready to support you in creating your own personal altar. Just reach out to us and we are here for your journey.

Blessings and love to you for 2025!


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